
Sunday, November 30, 2008

The following is found in Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

The Advent Calendar originated with German Lutherans.

The word Advent is fro the Latin 'adventus' meaning "coming" which is translated from the Greek word 'parousia' which refers to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Advent is an observance that has the dual purpose of the original Hebrews who were waiting for the Messiah which Christians believe to be Jesus and the second coming of Jesus.

The newer Lutheran and Anglican Churches use of blue during Advent is a custom traced to the Church of Sweden (Lutheran) and the medieval Sarum Rite. It is often referred to as Sarum blue.

Late Advent weekdays (December 17-24) mark th singing of the 'O Antiphons.' These are the antiphons sung for the Magnificat at Vespers in the Roman Catholic and Lutheran communions as well as Evensong in the Anglican communion. This is the basis for the Advent hymn, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel."

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